Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Heroine Photoshoot

In case any of you have missed it, here is a link to photographer J.R. Blackwell's blog about the photoshoot she did for Heroine.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Printing Update

The first print run of Heroine is almost complete! If things stay on schedule at the printer, all the Kickstarter copies should be mailed tomorrow. (Those backers who are also expecting a token bag or boxed set may have to wait a few more days for me to package things up.)

I also have extra copies for sale for anyone who doesn't want to wait and buy it on Indie Press Revolution. If you are interested, email me at gingergoatpress@gmail.com

I'm wanting to post pictures on this blog of you holding your copy of the book, so I'm thinking about sending a special pdf to the first few people who email me pictures of themselves holding a copy of Heroine. (The pdf will be an alpha playtest version of another game I'm working on.)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A well-thought-out review of Heroine by Michael Wenman

Here's a link to an interesting review of Heroine. I appreciate that Michael takes the time to mention who he thinks would enjoy the game and why.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Proof Copy Has Arrived

Look what came in the mail today. Everything looks good, so the printer will start the full print run ASAP.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Character Sheets

I've released some character sheets for Heroine. You can get them here.

EDIT: I've fixed this link as of 05/09/14. Shout out to Mamading Ceesay for pointing out that the link was broken.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Audio Book!

The audio book version of Heroine is ready. Kickstarter backers should receive an update with links to the audio files.
If anyone else would like to buy a copy of the audio book or the pdf, you can email me at gingergoatpress@gmail.com. The audio book and the pdf are $8 each or $12 for both.

Proof Copy of Heroine

The printer tells me that the proof copy of Heroine has shipped and should arrive at my house tomorrow. Assuming all is well, I expect to approve the print run ASAP. You can expect a picture of me holding the book with a goofy grin on my face.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm ordering the proof copy of the physical book from the printer right now. It's my understanding that I will have that copy within a week. Assuming there are no formatting errors that crop up, the next step is to print the book!

For those of you who have missed it, here is the cover of the book.