Friday, December 20, 2013

Award Logo Contest

I have 5 copies of Doll that I'm hoping to give away on Monday. Here's how to win one:

Create a logo for the Goatee Award, and email it to at (I created this award to honor people who record and share actual play sessions,  but I forgot to create an image for the award!)

The image should be  at least 150x150 pixels. It should contain the words "Goatee" and "Award." Otherwise, the design is completely up to you. The more creative, the better.

You have until Sunday night to email me your entries. You can enter as often as you want, but each person can only win once at most.

On Sunday night I will email the five winners to request their mailing addresses. On Monday I will mail the signed copies of Doll.

This contest is open to international folks as well.

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